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Sport BTEC

Sport and the sports industry has exploded onto the employment and research scene in the last quarter of the 20th century, as sports and fitness are approached more and more seriously in the modern world. It is a fast growing industry with diverse pathways to study and explore. How to be 'healthy' is scientific, including nutrition, fitness testing and how to intervene to improve performance, and how physical activity promotes health mentally and socially too. The world of sport science receives significant funding to develop advances in technology and medicine that affects the world of sport on a daily basis. 
The Pearson course offers a broad specification of study units to gain a wide understanding in different aspects of sport. This allows individuals to build their pathway into the world of exercise performance; injury recovery (physiotherapy); PE teaching; coaching or into management in the leisure industry, to name a few.

The BTEC format of studying allows the learners to concentrate on specific areas of information and gain the best grade in each, before moving onto the next topic. Learners will always be able to track their progress and expected outcomes on a BTEC course.

Exam board: Pearson

There are nine units to complete over the two year course, to receive the National Diploma (a double award)


How you are assessed?


  • External assessment 1 (1 1/2 hours): Anatomy and Physiology (skeletal system; muscular system; respiratory system; cardiovascular system; energy system. All related to sports performance).
  • External assessment 2 (2 1/2 hours): Fitness training and programming for health, sport and well-being (You will receive a scenario (Part A) and have one week for independent research to make notes from your learning in lesson time, which you take into the supervised assessment (Part B)).


  • External assessment 3 (3 hours): Investigating business in the sport and active leisure industry (You will have 6 hours of lesson time to independently conduct research (Part A) on topics you have studied during this unit, and make notes to take into the supervised assessment (Part B)).

There are also 6 internal assessments. These are in the form of assignments per unit that allow you to research, expand on information and submit your work, by certain deadlines.  

For each unit a grade of Pass, Merit or Distinction will be awarded. Each of these is worth points. The overall grade is the sum of all points, that equates to an overall Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*   eg:  PP (double Pass),  PM, MM, DM etc
BTEC Sport students also follow the L2 Sports Leaders Award as a compulsory part of this course. This qualification supports the L3 units about leadership and learning skills, and is invaluable in gaining work experience and paid employment in the sports sector. 
What is the structure of the curriculum?
Year 12 Year 13

Units are taught simultaneously in the term, by different PE teachers 


Terms 1 & 2

Unit 1   Anatomy and Physiology

Unit 3   Professional development in the sports industry

Unit 5   Application of fitness testing


Level 2 Sports Leadership

Terms 3&4

Unit 1 External assessment in January

Unit 2     Fitness training and programming for health, sport and well-being

Unit 17   Sports injury management

Unit 4     Sports leadership


Level 2 Sports Leadership

Terms 5&6

Unit 2 External Assessment in May

Unit 4   Sports Leadership


Level 2 Sports Leadership

Units are taught simultaneously in the term, by different PE teachers 


Terms 1&2

Unit 8     Coaching for performance

Unit 22   Investigating business in the sport and active leisure industry

Terms 3&4

Unit 22 External assessment in January

Unit 8     Coaching for performance

Unit 23   Skill Acquisition


Term 5

Unit 23   Skill Acquisition




Resits are available at specified times in the year, for all units. Where needed, time will be allocated to support learners to improve their grade in the unit

Why is the course sequenced this way?
The unit delivery is sequenced in this way to allow for knowledge to be built upon in a logical manner, that will allow the learner to understand the building blocks and how various parts are linked. Understanding the relationship between different units helps with overall understanding and therefore attainment. External assessments are spaced out to avoid overload, to encourage enjoyment of the course and to develop knowledge already covered and learnt.

What’s the best way to revise?

With the BTEC format, it is not about revision for the majority of units. Judgements are made for each assignment, per unit and learners will be aware of the grade awarded each time a unit is completed.

The way to get the highest grades is to explain and elaborate on facts in your essay or presentation. Always include examples to support your statements, use the technical language of the topic and be willing to respond to teacher feedback to improve your piece of writing.

For the external assessment elements, class tests and home learning tasks will check learning and recognise where more support is needed. You will be guided in the areas to research during the Part A element.