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Business Studies

Business Studies relates to making a living through the buying and selling of goods, services and information – important exchanges in almost every area of life. 

During the A Level Business course, we will cover a range of topics as well as study and apply many business theories and models. The course begins with covering the basics about business and it therefore doesn’t matter if you haven’t studied business prior to the A Level course or not. We study managers and leaders in great detail, looking at the difference between the role of a leader and manager and the different business decisions each would need to make. As well as the basics about business, managers and leaders we also look separately at each functional area (Marketing, Human Resources, Operations and Finance) and how each of these functional areas can make decisions to improve a business. Finally, we investigate how to analyse the position of the business, how to choose the direction the business is going in and how an organisation would manage that change process.

Exam board:

AQA A Level Business

How is this course examined?

Paper 1: Business 1 (33.3%)

  • Section A has 15 multiple choice questions (MCQs) worth 15 marks
  • Section B has short answer questions worth 35 marks
  • Sections C and D have two essay questions (choice of one from two and one from two) worth 25 marks each.

Paper 2: Business 2 (33.3%)

  • Three data response compulsory questions worth approximately 33 marks each and made up of three or four part questions.

Paper 3: Business 3 (33.3%)

  • One compulsory case study followed by approximately six questions.

How is this course structured?

Year 12 Year 13

Terms 1 & 2:

Introduction to Business

What is business?

Managers, leaders and decision making

Terms 3 and 4:

Decision making to improve marketing performance 

Decision making to improve operational performance


Terms 5 and 6:

Decision making to improve financial performance 

Decision making to improve human resource performance

Terms 1 and 2:

Analysing the strategic position of a business

Strategic methods: How to pursue strategies


Terms 3 and 4:

Choosing strategic direction 

Managing strategic change


Term 5:



Why is the course sequenced in this way?

In year 12, students have to begin with “What is business?” as the topic provides the foundations for the rest of the course. This is particularly important as some students will not have studied GCSE Business and therefore will need the basic content first. The unit provides students with the knowledge and the vocabulary to study the rest of the course. The knowledge from marketing and operations needs to be delivered prior to finance and human resources as marketing and operations decisions could be made to improve human resource and financial performance.

In year 13, students apply the theory learnt in year 12 to analyse the position of the business and suggest strategies.

How is this course assessed?

  • Regular exam questions in lessons
  • Constant recall and review techniques used in lessons
  • End of topic tests
  • Mock exams.

How can I revise for this course?