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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Careers and UCAS

Options after sixth form include university, apprenticeships or the world of work. We help our students choose the right path for them with personalised advice. We do this through:

  • A programme of careers guidance and higher education sessions. Year 12 students will attend the UCAS Higher Education Exhibition at UWE in the Spring term as part of this programme
  • Regular 1-1 consultations with students both with their form tutor and the Head of Sixth Form
  • A series of talks by visiting speakers, including representatives from higher education, apprenticeship schemes and key professions
  • Individual interviews with our in-house careers lead Kathy Jemmott and also with professional external careers advisers 

Our experienced team can also assist with university applications; writing personal statements and CV's; applying for jobs and more.


There are many useful websites to research future options and listed below are just some that may be of interest:


UCAS: For all things related to universities, including when and how to apply; exploring options and courses: www.ucas.com

The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities including University of Bristol: www.russellgroup.ac.uk/for-students/

Discover Uni: Thinking about your university choices? Search and compare undergraduate courses in the UK: www.discoveruni.gov.uk/

Uni Compare: Search, compare courses and read honest reviews about universities: www.universitycompare.com

The Uni Guide: What to study, where to go and how to get there: www.theuniguide.co.uk

Complete University Guide: Independent UK university rankings, course information and expert advice for every student: www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/

A Star Future: Useful if you are interested in studying abroad. This site will give you some guidance when you start your search: www.astarfuture.co.uk

Careers & Apprenticeships Advice

Government website helping you find an apprenticeship: www.apprenticeships.gov.uk

Prospects helps you find your perfect career and guides students through making the right choice by matching skills and personality to 400+ job profiles: www.prospects.ac.uk

Career Pilot: Careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds, all in one place: www.careerpilot.org.uk

National Careers Service: a Government website providing information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work: www.nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/

CareerWave: Career guidance service: www.careerwave.co.uk/

Talking Futures: A parents' toolkit for career conversations: www.talkingfutures.org.uk/

BBC Bitesize: Where could your favourite subject take you? www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/careers

Not Going To Uni: information and advice on other options post 18: www.notgoingtouni.co.uk 

Careers Box is the national careers film library - a free careers resource showing hundreds of real people doing real jobs: www.careersbox.co.uk/ 


Money Saving Expert: Martin Lewis provides guides and tools to help you save money while studying: www.moneysavingexpert.com/students/

Government website: Information on loans, bursaries, grants, student finance and paying back loans: www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance 

Save The Student: The student money website: www.savethestudent.org/tools